Recently, I had to clean up a large data base. Some of the tables in that database were obsolete and needed to get deleted. Obsolete tables were not used in any stored procedures, so I needed to list all the tables used in stored procedures and subtract them from the set of all tables in the dataset to get the ones I could delete. So the starting point is to get a list of all objects used in a USP:
WITH cte AS ( SELECT AS source, AS target, CASE target.xtype WHEN 'U' THEN 'Table' WHEN 'P' THEN 'Store Procedure' WHEN 'FN' THEN 'Function' WHEN 'V' THEN 'View' END AS type FROM sysdepends d INNER JOIN sysobjects source ON = INNER JOIN sysobjects target ON = d.depid WHERE source.xtype = 'P' ) SELECT DISTINCT target, source, type FROM cte ORDER BY target, type DESC, source
Now the script above returns all objects that ARE in use. But I need to know the objects that ARE NOT in use. Here’s how I do that (note: other than in the script above, below I am only interessted in table objects, not views or other USPs):
-- declare a tables-typed variable to store the result set DECLARE @tables_in_use TABLE ( name VARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL ) -- add all user tables in the database INSERT @tables_in_use SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U' -- delete all tables that are in use ;WITH cte AS ( SELECT AS source, AS target FROM sysdepends d INNER JOIN sysobjects source ON = INNER JOIN sysobjects target ON = d.depid WHERE source.xtype = 'P' ) DELETE t FROM cte INNER JOIN @tables_in_use t ON = -- the tables not in use remain in the result set SELECT * FROM @tables_in_use ORDER BY name